Wide variety of comedy styles, large and small.
Label: De Wolfe
Cat. Number: DW/LP 3187
Recording First Published: 1971
Format: LP
Sound: Mono
Side 1
Pantalone (Pierre Arvay) (Comic plodding – large animals, etc.) 02:10
Danse Du Grizzly (Pierre Arvay) (Ponderous low-key novelty) 01:16
Le Mammouth Et L’oiseau (Pierre Arvay) (Rhythmic, bright – featuring tuba) 02:29
Little Ballet (Pierre Arvay) (Humorous “send-up” – changing moods) 02:51
Parade A Poupee-Ville (Pierre Arvay) (Light, rhythmic – march feel) 02:25
Le Galop De La Goulue (Pierre Arvay) (Happy orchestral gallop) 01:27
Quand Les Etoiles S’amusent (Pierre Arvay) (Bright, comic – tempo changes) 03:20
Marche Du Gendarme (Pierre Arvay) (Light-hearted incidental) 02:00
Side 2
Tango Du Clown (Pierre Arvay) (Latin novelty with comedy F/X) 02:28
Ballade Francaise (Pierre Arvay) (Up-tempo, national) 02:25
Le Bon Numero (Pierre Arvay) (Cheery, melodic) 02:03
Album De Famille (Pierre Arvay) (Strongly illustrative – contrasting sections) 02:21
L’oeil Iberique (Pierre Arvay) (Bizzare Spanish mood) 02:24
Majorette’s March (Pierre Arvay) (American style quick march) 02:12
Dr. Ibus (Pierre Arvay) (Bright, zany, rhythmic) 01:57
Promenade Avec Gershwin (Pierre Arvay) (Light, round-and-about – slow middle section) 02:26