Reg Wale
- Quartet Of Modern Jazz Vol. 2 (DW/LP 3257)
- Tete A Tete (DW/LP 3217)
- Sit Back (HMC/LP 503)
- Inner Reflections (DW/LP 3183)
- Bouquet (DW/LP 3176)
- Tilsley Orchestral No. 7 – Soft Touch (DW/LP 3161)
- If Music Be The Food (DW/LP 3157)
- Tilsley Orchestral No. 6 – Heavy Gravy (DW/LP 3154)
- Loony Tunes (DW/LP 3147)
- Salute The Flute (DW/LP 3133)
- Tooth For A Tooth (DW/LP 3119)
- Shopping Around (DW/LP 3117)
- Quintet Of Modern Jazz (DW/LP 3108)
- Quartet Of Modern Jazz (DW/LP 3107)
- Bach-A-Changing (DW/LP 3104)
- Merry Vibes Of Windsor (DW/LP 3098)